Hello. Welcome to our Zero Transphobia website. Currently we are putting all the final details together to launch our 2021 theme and events. This year our week against Transphobia will be from November 15th to November 20th 2021. Stay tuned!
Hola. Bienvenides a nuestra pagina de Cero Transfobia. Actualmente estamos terminando los últimos detalles para lanzar nuestra campaña y eventos del 2021. Este año la semana en contra de la transfobia será desde el 15 de noviembre hasta el 20 de noviembre. Estén pendientes.

The last day of activities will feature a virtual art exhibition. If you are an emerging or established artist from our TGNC communities, please send us your art in digital form so that it can be seen nationally. All forms of art will be accepted: poetry, photography, painting, graphics, etc. Submit your art work by November 19 at 11am ET to zerotransphobia@latinoaids.org
Five things to never ask a transgender person
The ZERO TRANSPHOBIA campaign asked five sisters and brothers of transgender experience to comment on 5 topics/questions that they usually get from cisgender people; questions that might be well intentioned in some cases, but end up being awkward, insensitive or intrusive. Their answers will educate you about their gender identity and will prevent you from making the question again.
Week Against Transphobia
Data about homophobia and transphobia in the U.S. is alarming: by the end of 2017, there were reported 1,218 hate crimes because of a person’s sexual orientation; 764 of these crimes were a result of anti-gay biases.
November 4-10 is an opportunity for community empowerment and mobilization to reach out families, colleagues, coworkers, clients, and anyone to discuss about the negative impact of transphobia and the need to build a safe space for LGBTQ people. Let’s take actions in getting to ZERO TRANSPHOBIA in our communities.

The Oasis Latino LGBTS Wellness Center is hosting a conference press to officially lunch the Zero Transphobia campaign. Community partners, elected officials, and civic leaders will join the event to bring attention to the impact of Homophobia within our communities.
WHEN: Monday, November 4, 2019, 11:00 AM
WHERE: Steps of City Hall, New York City
Located in City Hall Park | Train R,W to City Hall/Broadway Station